
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization has been one of the fastest growing areas of web development in the last few years, due to the increasing usage of search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. Search Engine Optimization is the "art" of modifying, or optimizing your webPAGE to make it more appealing to search engines for your chosen keywords. Each page of your site should be optimised for a different search phrase.

Search engine optimization has two components:

On-page factors - the actual code and content
Off-page factors - submitting to search engines, links, stickiness
On-Page Optimization
On-page search engine optimization involves modifying/development the HTML code and content of a web page to concentrate on:

TITLE - Start with your keyword. Don't use the exact same title for each page. Don't repeat words, or use more than around 50 characters
META DESCRIPTION - Use your keywords, AND be descriptive. People often decide whether to visit you based on your description. Again, don't repeat your keywords too any times.
META KEYWORDS - Use your keywords, but don't repeat them too often. Search engines may consider it spamming, if they bother to use this section. Don't put words here that are not part of your main text. Use combinations eg fried green tomatoes, tomato soup
H1,H2,H3 headings - Use your keywords.
IMAGE ALT - Use your keywords to provide alternative text describing your images, 1-3 times on page in combination with other words such as "picture".
P - Use your keywords in your first paragraph, last paragraph, and sprinkle them through the rest of the page.
A HREF - Use your keywords in your link text and link filenames and sub-directory-names. Eg meaningful-domain-name.com/directory-name/file-name. Use the title alt text.
Make your pages content-rich - use your keywords liberally throughout the page, to a keyword density of around 3-8%
Bold or underline keywords on your page.
Most search engines will give you tips on good practices, and what to avoid, in their webmaster or submit sections.
As many people know nothing about optimisation, if you use your keywords in the above parts of your website page, you will be doing better than the majority of websites.

Analyse your page to check your keyword density:

for single words, at KeyWordCount
for phrases at KeyWordDensity
Or else you could just analyse your competitors sites to see what they are doing in terms of keyword count and incoming links.

Make sure your page is still understandable and that visitors will want to return. Write for people first, then search engines.

Use synonyms for your search words. This will tell the search engine spiders that the rest of your page matches your targetted search phrase.

Link outwards to an authority site on your subject. Especially a government or organisation. To prove that your site truly is an information site, which is what people and spiders really want.

The Google Poodle attempts to predict how Google will view your page. This is excellent - I didn't realise my image alt code could make things look so different. Try it here

Off-Page Optimization
See pages on link development and submitting to search engines

With increased use of personalised search, the likelihood of web site stickiness, or how long a person stays at a site may become a factor in search engine ranking.

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