
Friday, April 27, 2007

Internet Security

The scary part about internet security is the potential for outsiders to access your home PC. They can do this through nasty programs such as keyloggers and trojan horses. Keyloggers are programs that record the actual keystrokes you make at home on your PC. Trojan horse programs often masquerade as an innocent program, and can be used to take control of your PC. These programs are often downloaded to your PC without your knowledge, when surfing, or especially on peer-to-peer programs such as music-exchange programs.

There are numerous security software programs you can download to improve your computer security. You should scan your PC at least weekly (and probably daily) to search for spyware, keyloggers and trojan horses. You also should run an anti-virus program and firewall to control access to your PC. When I first ran the following programs, I found heaps of spyware on my PC, and ZoneAlarm detected several live attempts to directly access my PC. Not anymore. I have also since upgraded to Norton Internet Security, with their frequent automatic updates. You should also check each week if there are updates to your security program, as they need updating to cope with new viruses and programs.

Most frequently recommended security programs (I use all of these):
ZoneAlarm- Free firewall
Ad-Aware- Free spyware detector and deleter.
Search&Destroy - An even tougher free spyware detector, with great descriptions to help you decide whether to go ahead and DESTROY that spyware.
PestPatrol - Good trojan detector
GRC - Great Shields-Up analysis

GRC.com is a stunning site. Once your firewall is installed, run Shields Up, the Full Service Port Scan, the DCOMbomulator, Shoot the Messenger and Unplug and Pray, to close unnecessary ports and flaws.

Some free online scans:
Free Trojan Scan
Panda Active Scan-Free ONLINE virus scan Free Trendmicro ONLINE scan

Other security/performance programs:
Panicware Popup stopper
MailWasher - spamfilter

Now that your PC is secure, check out what kind of reputation your affiliate programs have:
SEC Warnings
Better Business Bureau

And unfortunately, there are some unscrupulous program owners out there. There have been stories of owners who guessed that one of their affiliates used the same userid and password in different programs. And accessed their accounts in different programs. So make sure you use different passwords for different programs. You can store these passwords in an encrypted form using the latest version of Roboform.

Another tip is to never keep over $50 in any online financial account. Many people use more than one e-gold account: one for "public" use with programs, and another private account, into which they transfer funds as quickly as they can.

And passwords to financial accounts should not be stored on your PC, even in encrypted forms. Some people save them to a removeable diskette, and cut-and-paste them into the programs, so that keyloggers cannot detect typing of the password.

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